Document/Report, Tool/Interactive Map

Saltmarsh Restoration Priorities for the Saltmarsh Sparrow – New Jersey

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Year Published: 2022

Abstract or Summary

Saltmarsh Restoration Priorities for the Saltmarsh Sparrow - New Jersey report

The Saltmarsh Sparrow (Ammospiza caudacuta) is a Species of Special Concern in New Jersey (pending regulatory rule change; the recent species status review by the State of New Jersey recommended a breeding season status upgrade to Threatened). This document is intended to provide those interested in salt marsh and Saltmarsh Sparrow conservation with information that will help with conservation implementation. It identifies areas containing salt marsh that are good candidates for restoration, enhancement, and/or conservation to provide persistent highquality Saltmarsh Sparrow nesting habitat in the next 10 years in addition to long-term salt marsh resilience.

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