New Jersey Coastal Resilience Collaborative Partner Organizations

NJCRC partners include state and local government agencies, universities, businesses, advocacy groups and others committed to developing and implementing coastal resilience solutions.

njcrc workgroup members at a site visit

Become a Partner

Download the Partnership Agreement Form (PDF) to learn more about our partnership levels, joining NJCRC Workgroups and more. NJCRC partners include but are not limited to state and private universities, non-profit and for-profit groups, National Estuary Programs and Reserves, advocacy groups, state agencies, regional planning groups, local municipalities, and business interests. Partners receive invitations to full collaborative meetings, the opportunity to join Workgroups, a regular email with updates, news, and resources, and access to other partners and partner-only resources via an account on the NJCRC Basecamp portal.


General Partners are able to formally sign on to support NJCRC’s purpose and goals, are interested in staying up to date, attend full partnership meetings and role model best practices.


Resource affiliates are those organizations that are unable to formally join as a General Partner but are able to share expertise with working groups and stay updated via NJCRC’s periodic mailings.

Current NJCRC Partners

NJCRC partners include but are not limited to state and private universities, non-profit and for-profit groups, National Estuary Programs and Reserves, advocacy groups, state agencies, regional planning groups, local municipalities, and business interests. Learn about becoming a partner below.

Additional Partners

  • American Planning Association New Jersey Chapter
  • BRS Inc.
  • Cape May County Chamber of Commerce
  • The College of New Jersey
  • Colliers Engineering & Design
  • GZA GeoEnvironmental
  • Long Beach Township
  • Monmouth Beach
  • Monmouth County
  • Mordecai Land Trust
  • National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration
  • New Jersey City University
  • New Jersey Department of State Business Action Center
  • New Jersey State League of Municipalities
  • New Jersey Urban Mayors Association
  • New Jersey Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
  • New Jersey Office of Emergency Management
  • Niles and Associates
  • Ocean County
  • Ramboll

Resource Affiliates

  • Kelly Klein
  • Jessica Kubina
  • David McKeon
  • New Jersey Chamber of Commerce
  • New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • New York-New Jersey Harbor and Estuary Program
  • Renova Environmental Company
  • Rutgers University Grant F. Walton Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis
  • James Shope
  • Stafford Township
  • TransRe
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • Van Cleef Engineering Associates

Related Links

2024 New Jersey Coastal & Climate Resilience Conference Presentations

Coastal Resilience and Climate Change Resource Library

Directory of Coastal Resilience Technical Advisors

NJCRC Workgroups