Ecological Restoration and Science Workgroup

The Ecological Restoration & Science Workgroup aims to represent the variable coastal geographies and scientific expertise in New Jersey. excerpt


Overview of Ecological Restoration and Science Workgroup

The Ecological Restoration & Science Workgroup is a multi-sector workgroup of the NJCRC that aims to represent the variable coastal geographies and scientific expertise in NJ with the following charges:

  1. Connect planning and restoration activities with the best available science;
  2. Provide scientific review when appropriate;
  3. Promote a greater understanding of how to align restoration tactics with site-specific conditions;
  4. And, Advocate for scientific inquiry regarding appropriate restoration practices.

Annual Work Plans

The Ecological Restoration and Science Workgroup goals will support advancing workgroup agendas and increasing member engagement.​

Ecological Restoration & Science Workgroup Goals for 2024:

  1. Develop leadership rotation opportunities for workgroup members to gain leadership experience and to promote diversity regarding ideas and operations and to assist with 2025 work plan development
  2. Development of a white paper to further advance “Proactive Restoration Mindset”
  3. Help coordinate a joint ER&S WG/CHARRM meeting to provide scientific review and advisement and assist on their regulatory guidance product.
  4. Provide scientific review and advisement
  5. Provide content for a NJCRC newsletter

Schedule of Activities

ERSWG will coordinate with newly formed Field Trip Workgroup to plan and implement field trips.

Calendar: Online Workgroup Meetings

Workgroup News


Meredith Comi
Email :